5000 Plus MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists are designed to test the knowledge and proficiency of laboratory professionals who work in the field of clinical laboratory science. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to laboratory science, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and hematology.

3501 to 3550 MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation
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Questions 3501 to 3550
- Which of the following are inactive viral vaccines?
a. Influenzae
b. Rabies
c. Russian spring summer encephalitis
d. All of these ✔️ - Antigenic variation is most extensive in
a. Influenza virus ✔️
b. Small pox virus
c. Measles virus
d. Herpes virus - Which is the correct statement related to hepatitis B virus?
a. Paramyxo virus
b. Orthomyxo virus
c. Reo viruses ✔️
d. Retro viruses - Food poisoning is caused by
a. Clostridum tetani
b. Clostridum Welchi
c. Diptheria
d. Clostridium botulinum ✔️ - Koplic’s spots will develop in
a. HIV
b. Measles ✔️
c. Mumps
d. Rubella - Viral DNA is resistant to DNA of the host cell because it contains
a. 5’-HMC ✔️
b. 5’-HMA
c. 5’-CHM
d. 5’MHC - Which of the following is an example of live vaccine?
a. pertusis
b. mumps
c. cholera ✔️
d. rabies - Triple toxoid vaccine gives protection against
a. Diphtheria, tetanus and rabies
b. Tetanus, whooping cough, Tuberculosis
c. Whooping cough, tetanus and Diphtheria ✔️
d. Whooping cough, cancer and T.B. - Higher does of chloramphenicol affects the eukaryotic cells because
a. They have 30 S ribosomes
b. They have mitochondria ✔️
c. They have 70 S ribosomes
d. None of the above - AIDS is caused by
a. Retrovirus ✔️
b. Prion
c. Rhabdovirus
d. Retroprison - Penicillin is a
a. Primary metabolite
b. Secondary metabolite ✔️
c. Tertiary metabolite
d. None of the above - The rejection of an organ transplant such as a kidney transplant, is an example of _Hypersensitivity
- a. Immediate ✔️
b. Delayed
c. Allergy
d. None of these
- a. Immediate ✔️
- Coryne bacterium is
a. Gram positive ✔️
b. Resistant to Penicillin
c. Gram negative
d. Resistant to Chloramphenicol - C. diphtheriae consists of
a. Startch granules
b. Polymeta phosphate granules ✔️
c. Lipid granules
d. None of these - The incubation period of diphtheriae is
a. Upto 2 weeks
b. Upto 1 week
c. 2–4 weeks ✔️
d. None of these - Diphtheria virulence test is
a. Ascoli’s thermoprecipitation test
b. Eleck’s gel precipitation test ✔️
c. C.R.P test
d. M.R.T. test - Diptheria toxoid is prepared by using
a. Aldehyde
b. Formalin ✔️
c. Phenols
d. None of these - Diphtheria is an example of
a. Bacteraemia
b. Pyaemia
c. Septicemia
d. Toxaemia ✔️ - Main symptom of tuberculosis is
a. Tubercle formation ✔️
b. Liquid formation
c. Both a and b
d. None of these - BCG vaccine is for the prevention of
a. Brucellosis
b. Diphtheria
c. Botulism
d. Tuberculosis ✔️ - Dose of BCG vaccine is
a. 0.2–0.5 ml
b. 0.1 ml ✔️
c. 0.05 ml
d. 0.2 to 0.3 ml - Negative Mantoux test is important in
a. Pulmonary Koch’s syndrome ✔️
b. Sarcoidosis
c. Carcinoma bronchus
d. Lymphoma - Bacilli Calmette Guerin (BCG) contains the avirulent strains of
a. Human tubercle bacilli
b. Avian tubercle bacilli
c. Bovine tubercle bacilli ✔️
d. A typical mycobacteria - Drugs used against tuberculosis (TB) are
a. Refampicin, Isoniazid
b. Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin
c. Both a and b ✔️
d. None of these - The greatest number of tubercle bacilli is present in
a. Large sized tuberculomas
b. Miliary tuberculosis
c. Tuberculous lymphadinitis
d. Tuberculous cavity of the lung ✔️
- Histoid Hansen is a veriety of
a. Tuberculoid Leprosy
b. Borderline tuberculoid
c. Borderline lepramatous
d. Lepronmetous leprosy ✔️ - Streptococcus pyogens produces all of the following lesions, except
a. Impetigo contagiosa
b. Erysipeals
c. Boil
d. Paronchia ✔️ - Causative agent of Scarlet fever:
a. Staphylococcus aureus
b. Streptococcus viridans
c. Stre. pyogens ✔️
d. None of these - Rheumatic fever is most commonly caused by
a. Str. viridans
b. Str. pyogenes ✔️
c. Stph. aures
d. None of these - Penicillin is the drug of choice for
a. Scarlet fever ✔️
b. Whooping cough
c. Brucellosis
d. Cholera - In human being str. pneumoniae causes
a. Septicaemia
b. Paronychia
c. Pneumomnia ✔️
d. None of these - Virulence factor for Stre. pneumoniae:
a. Capsular polysaccharide ✔️
b. Specific soluble substance
c. Vi-antigen
d. Forsmann antigen - Conjunctivitis in a new born is caused by
a. Streptococcus ✔️
b. Pneumococcus
c. Meningococci
d. None of these - Influenza is belonging to
a. Orthomyxoviridae ✔️
b. Retroviridae
c. Both a and b
d. None of these - Influenza virus contains
a. Eight segments of RNA
b. Two strands of RNA ✔️
c. Single RNA
d. None of these - ‘Reye’s syndrome’ is caused by
a. St.pneumoniae
b. St.pyogenes
c. Influenza ✔️
d. None of these - Geraman measles is also known as
a. Rubella / 2-day measles
b. Rubella / 3day measles ✔️
c. Rubella / 4-day measles
d. Rubella / 1-day measles - The commonest cause of rubella in new bornes
a. Congential rubella
b. Post natal rubella
c. Expanded rubella syndrome (ERS)
d. Both a and c ✔️ - Mumps virus is belonging go
a. Retroviriae
b. Paramyxoviriae ✔️
c. Orthomyxo viridae
d. None of these - Measles is characterized by
a. Negribodies
b. Babes-Ernest granules ✔️
c. Koplik’s spots
d. Fever - Brucella causes
a. Pertusis
b. Plague
c. Brucellosis ✔️
d. None of these - Mediterranian fever is caused by
a. M. tuberculosis
b. S. typhi
c. C.neoformans
d. Brucella ✔️ - Which of the following test is specific for Brucellosis?
a. Frei
b. Weil
c. Castaneda strip ✔️
d. Rose water - Malignant pustule is caused by
a. Anthrax ✔️
b. Tetanus
c. Diphtheria
d. None of these - The commonest form of anthrax in man is
a. Alimentary
b. Cutaneous ✔️
c. Pulmonary
d. Hepatic - The animals most frequently infected with anthrax are
a. Sheep
b. Cattle
c. Goats
d. All of these ✔️ - Virus causing Rabies is
a. Orthromyxo virus
b. Paramyxo virus
c. Rhbdo virus ✔️
d. Toga viruses - Rhabdo viruses are belonging to the family:
a. Rhabdo viridae ✔️
b. Toga viridae
c. Paramyxo viridae
d. None of these - Rabies Virus isolated from natural human or animal infection is termed as
a. Street virus ✔️
b. Fixed virus
c. Both a and b
d. None of these - Rabies virus can multiply in
a. The central nervous system only
b. The peripheral nerves
c. Muscle tissues
d. All the above ✔️
The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.
To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.
Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they may need to improve their knowledge or skills.
Overall, the MCQs for lab technologists are designed to be challenging and comprehensive, requiring candidates to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the field of laboratory science.
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