5000 Plus MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists are designed to test the knowledge and proficiency of laboratory professionals who work in the field of clinical laboratory science. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to laboratory science, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and hematology.
![Chapter 63 – MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists MCQs for Lab Technician](http://labtestsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MCQs-Chapter-63-Lab-1024x576.webp)
3101 to 3150 MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation
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Questions 3101 to 3150
- The condition required for autoclave
- 121oC temp.and 15 lbs. pressure for 20 min.
- 120oC temp.and 20 lbs. pressure for 30 min
- 150oC temp.for 1 hr. ✔️
- 130oC temp for 2 hr.
- Lysozyme is effective against
- Gram negative bacteria
- Gram positive bacteria
- Protozoa
- Helminthes ✔️
- Blood agar medium is
- Enrichment medium
- Enriched medium ✔️
- Selective medium
- Differential medium
- Infrared radiation is a method of sterilization by
- Dry heat
- Moist heat
- Chemical method
- Mechanical method ✔️
- Lyophilization means
- Sterilization
- Freeze-drying ✔️
- Burning to ashes
- Exposure to formation
- Temperature used for hot air oven is
- 100oC for 1 hour
- 120oC for 1 hour
- 160oC for 1 hour ✔️
- 60oC for 1 hour
- Phenol co-efficient indicates
- Efficiency of a disinfectant ✔️
- Dilution of a disinfectant
- Purity of a disinfectant
- Quantity of a disinfectant
- This is an agar plate method and is commonly used for estimation of the number of bacteria in milk.
- Standard Plate Count (SPC) ✔️
- Spread plate
- Lawn culture
- Roll tube method
- Agar is obtained form
- Brown algae
- Red algae ✔️
- Green algae
- Blue-green algae
- A gram positive organism which produces swarming on culture medium is
- Salmonella b.
- Clostridium
- Staphylococci
- Proteus ✔️
- Enhancement of virulence in bacteria is known as
- Pathogenicity
- Attenuation
- Exaltation ✔️
- Toxigenicity
- For effective sterilization in an autoclave the temperature obtained is
- 50oC
- 100oC
- 120oC ✔️
- 180oC
- Spores are killed by
- 70% alcohol
- Glutaraldehyde
- Autoclaving
- Both second and third ✔️
- Glassware are sterilized by
- Autoclaving
- Hot air over ✔️
- Incineration
- None of these
- Tyndallisation was proposed by
- Tyndall ✔️
- Pasteur
- Koch
- Jenner
- Viruses can be cultivated in
- Lab media
- Broth
- Living cells ✔️
- None of these
- By pasteurization
- All the microorganisms can be removed
- Only pathogenic forms can be removed ✔️
- Only non-pathogenic forms can be removed
- All of these are correct
- The temperature required for pasteurization is
- Above 100oC
- Below 100oC ✔️
- 100oC
- None of these
- In the medium other than nutrients, if any substance is used in excess, that medium is
- Enriched medium ✔️
- Special medium
- Enrichment medium
- None of these
- Example for indicator medium is
- Nutrient Agar
- Nutrient broth
- Wilson and Blair ✔️
- Czapeck-dox medium
- Example of Anaerobic medium is
- Robertson cooked-meat medium ✔️
- Nutrient agar
- Nutrient broth
- Mac-Conkey’s agar
- The differentiate lactose and non-lactose fermentors, the medium used is
- Wilson & lair
- Blood Agar
- Tetra thionate broth
- Mac-Conkey’s Agar ✔️
- Best method for getting pure culture is
- Streak-plate
- Agar slant
- Both first & second ✔️
- None of these
- To transfer cultures from one place to another, the device used is
- Slant
- Needle ✔️
- Inoculation loop
- Autoclave
- The bacterial culture prepared by pure culture is
- Inoculum ✔️
- Suspension
- Dilution
- None of these
- Separation of a single colony is
- Pure-culturing
- Isolation ✔️
- Separation
- Both first and second
- Growth period of the culture is
- Inoculation
- Incubation ✔️
- Incineration
- Isolation
- At the temperature 160oC for one hour, complete sterilization occurs in
- Autoclave
- Hot air oven ✔️
- Laminar flow
- Incubator
- In autoclave, the principle involved is
- Dry heat
- Moist heat
- Steam under pressur
- Both second and third ✔️
- The spores of th bacteria which can withstand the moist heat effect also
- Bacillus subtilis
- Coxiella burnetti
- Bacillus stearothermophilus ✔️
- Pseudomonas
- Factors on which disinfectivity of a disinfectant depends
- Concentration of the substance
- Time of action
- pH of the medium and temperature suitable for the chemical
- All of the above ✔️
- Aldehydes, which are most powerful disinfectants
- Formaldehyde
- Acetaldehyde
- Glutamal aldehyde
- Both first and third ✔️
- Accridine dyes are more effective against
- Gram positive ✔️
- Gram negative
- Mycoplasmas
- Rickttsiae
- The sterilizing agent is
- Ethelene oxide ✔️
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Salts of heavy metals used as disinfectants are
- Thiomersal
- Phenyl mercury nitrate
- Mercurochrome
- All of these ✔️
- Cultures are prepared by penetrating the inoculation loop with suspension into the medium, they are
- Stock cultures
- Stabcultures ✔️
- Sub-cultures
- None of these
- The principle involved in the streak plate method is
- Separation
- Streaking
- Isolation
- Dilution ✔️
- Culture media for fungi are
- Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
- Sabouraud’s agar
- Czapekdox agar
- All of the above ✔️
- Spores of actinomycetes are very sensitive, killed at room temperature of
- 52oC for 30 min.
- 65o C for 30 min. ✔️
- 70o C for 30 min.
- 43o C for 30 min.
- The term that is used for the bacteria which can withstand pasteurization but does not grow at higher temperatures
- Thermophiles
- Extreme thermophiles
- Thermoduric ✔️
- Facultative thermophiles
- A common laboratory method of cultivating anaerobic micro-organisms is
- Gas pack system
- Brewer jar system
- Pyrogallic acid over the cotton ✔️
- None of these
- Alkaliphiles grow at pH value between
- 1 to 6
- 6 to 9
- 1 to 11
- 7 to 12 ✔️
- The micro-organisms grow at high salinity are
- Osmophiles
- Halophiles
- Both first and second ✔️
- None of these
- Non-lactose fermenting colonies seen on Mac Conkey’s medium are
- Salmonella typhi ✔️
- Escherichia coli
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Shigella shigae
- Wilson and Blair medium is used for isolation of
- Staphylococci
- Salmonella typhosa ✔️
- Vibrio cholerae
- Shigella shigae
- Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever is based on
- Blood culture
- Urine and stool culture
- Widal test
- All of the above ✔️
- Shigella was first isolated by
- Shiga
- Schmitz
- Sonnei ✔️
- Robert Koch
- Which of the following are gas producing Salmonella?
- S.typhi
- S.enteritidis ✔️
- S.cholerasuis
- S.typhimurium
- Kauffmann white scheme is used to detect
- Salmonella spp. ✔️
- Shigella spp.
- E.coli
- None of these
The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.
To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.
Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they may need to improve their knowledge or skills.
Overall, the MCQs for lab technologists are designed to be challenging and comprehensive, requiring candidates to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the field of laboratory science.
Possible References Used