7251 to 7300 MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation
5000 Plus MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists are designed to test the knowledge and proficiency of laboratory professionals who work in the field of clinical laboratory science. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to laboratory science, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and hematology.

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Questions 7251 to 7300
- The number of amino acids in single chain polypeptide glucagons is
- 21
- 29 ✔
- 31
- 39
- The half life of glucagons is
- ~5 ✔
- ~7
- ~10
- ~12
- Glucagon enhances
- Hepatic glycogenolysis ✔
- Muscle glycogenolysis
- Hepatic glycogenesis
- Lipogenesis
- Normal serum glucagons level in fasting state varies between
- 0-–10 pg/ml
- 20–100 pg/ml ✔
- 200–300 pg/ml
- 400–500 pg/ml
- Glucagon
- Increases protein synthesis
- Inhibits lipolysis in adipocytes
- Increases gluconeogenesis in liver ✔
- Stimulates muscle glycogenolysis
- Normal serum free testosterone in adult men varies between
- 1–5 ng/dl
- 6–9 ng/dl
- 10–30 ng/dl ✔
- 50–100 ng/dl
- Normal serum free testosterone in adult women varies between
- 0.0–0.2 ng/dl
- 0.3–2 ng/dl ✔
- 10–30 ng/dl
- 50–100 ng/dl
- The prepubertal total serum testosterone is
- <100 ng/100 ml ✔
- < 200 ng/100 ml
- <300 ng/100 ml
- < 400 ng/100 ml
- The total serum testosterone in adult men is
- 50–100 ng/100 ml
- 150–250 ng/100 ml
- 300–1000 ng/100 ml ✔
- 1000–3000 ng/100 ml
- Androgens are produced by
- Cells of sertoli
- Leydig cells ✔
- Rete testis
- Efferent ductules
- The leyding cell activity is controlled by
- Intestitial cell stimulating hormone ✔
- Adernocortex stimulating hormone
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Melanocyte stimulating harmone
- Stein-leventhal syndrome is due to overproduction of
- Estrogens
- Androgens ✔
- Gastogens
- Ethinyl estradiol
- The production of progesterone by corpus luteum cell is stimulated by
- LH ✔
- In the biosynthesis of testosterone the rate limiting step is conversion of
- Cholesterol to pregnenolone ✔
- Pregnenolone to progesterone
- Progesterone to 17 α-hydroxy progesterone
- 17 α-Hydroxy progesterone to androstenedione
- The enzyme catalyzing conversion of androstenedione to testosterone is a
- Oxygenase
- Dehydrogenase ✔
- Isomerase
- Decarboxylase
- Conversion of testosterone to estradiol requires the enzyme:
- Aromatase ✔
- Dehydrogenase
- Lyase
- Isomerase
- The precursor of testosterone is
- Aldosterone
- Methyl testosterone
- Estrone
- Pregnenolone ✔
- Urinary 17 ketosteroids
- Are not found in women
- Reflect the total production of androgenic substances ✔
- Indicate the total production of sex hormone
- Are highly active androgens
- The hormone measured in urine to test pregnancy is
- Anterior pituitary luteinizing hormone
- Androgen
- Progesterone
- Choroinic gonadotropin✔
- Total number of amino acids in human chorionic gonadotropin is
- 53
- 92
- 145
- 237 ✔
- A hormone produced by corpus luteum and placenta, concerned with relaxation of pelvis tissue is
- Chorionic somatommotropin
- Relaxin ✔
- Progestins
- Synthetic progesterone used in oral contraceptive is
- Norethindrone ✔
- Pregnenolone
- Androstenodione
- Stilbestrol
- Young women are protected against myocardial infaracation because of the activity of
- Estrogen ✔
- Progesterone
- Growth hormone
- Oxytocin
- Hormone receptors possess all the following properties except
- All of them are proteins
- They possess a recognition domain
- They bind hormones with a high degree of specificity
- Number of receptors in a target cell is constant ✔
- The only correct statement about hormone receptors is
- Receptors for protein hormones are present in cytosol
- Receptors for steroid hormones are membrane bound
- Hormone-receptor binding is irreversible
- Receptors can undergo down regulation and up regulatoin ✔
- Down regulation is
- Increased destruction of a hormone
- Feed back inhibition of hormone secretion
- Decreased concentration of a hormone in blood
- Decrease in number of receptors for a hormone ✔
- All the following statements about hormones are true except
- All of them require specific carriers in plasma ✔
- All of them require specific receptors in target cells
- Some of them are subject to feedback regulation
- Some of them increase the transcription of certain genes
- All the following statements about steroid hormones are true except
- They are hydrophobic
- They require carriers to transport them in circulation
- Their receptors are intracellular
- They require cyclic AMP as second messenger ✔
- Cyclic AMP acts as the second messenger for
- Glucagon
- Calcitonin
- All of these ✔
- Cyclic AMP acts as the second messenger for all of the following except
- Oxytocin ✔
- Cyclic GMP acts as the second messenger for
- Nerve growth factor
- Atrial natriuretic factor ✔
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
- Some hormones produce their intracellular effects by activating
- Phospholipae A1
- Phospholipase B
- Phospholipase C ✔
- All of these
- Inositol triphosphate is the second messenger for
- Gastrin
- Cholecystokinin
- Oxytocin
- All of these ✔
- G-proteins act as
- Hormone carriers
- Hormone receptors
- Second messengers
- Signal transducers ✔
- Signal transducer for glucagons is a
- Cyclic nucleotide
- Phosphoinositide
- Stimulatory G-protein ✔
- Inhibitory G-protein
- G-proteins are
- Monomers
- Dimers
- Trimers ✔
- Tetramers
- G-proteins have a nucleotide binding site for
- The nucleotide binding site of G-proteins is present on their
- α-Subunit ✔
- β-Subunit α- and β-
- γ-Subunit
- δ-Subunit
- Adenylate cyclase is activated by
- GDP-bearing α-Subunit of G-protein
- GTP-bearing α-Subunit of G-protein ✔
- GDP-bearing γ-Subunit of G-protein
- GTP-bearing γ-Subunit of G-protein
- Tyrosine kinase activity is present in
- α-Adrenergic receptors
- β-Adrenergic receptors
- Cholinergic receptors
- Insulin receptors ✔
The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.
To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.
Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they may need to improve their knowledge or skills.
Overall, the MCQs for lab technologists are designed to be challenging and comprehensive, requiring candidates to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the field of laboratory science.
Possible References Used