5000 Plus MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologists are designed to test the knowledge and proficiency of laboratory professionals who work in the field of clinical laboratory science. These questions cover a wide range of topics related to laboratory science, including anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, and hematology.

2401 to 2450 MCQs for Lab Technician and Technologist Exam Preparation
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Questions 2401 to 2450
- Interferon is formed by
- Lymphocytes
- Lymphoblasts
- Fibroblasts
- All of these ✔
- Pigment bearing structure of bacteria are
- Mesosomes
- Plasmids
- Mitochondria
- Chromophores ✔
- Spirochete is
- Gonococci
- Strphylococci
- Treponema pallidum ✔
- Streptococci
- Histones are found in
- Prokaryotes
- Eukaryotes ✔
- Viruses
- None of these
- Cell wall of gram negative bacteria is
- Thick
- Lipids are present
- Teichoic acids are absent ✔
- None of these
- Cytoplasmic streaming is present in
- Prokaryotes
- Animals
- Eukaryotes ✔
- Both a and b
- The motile bacteria is
- S. typhi ✔
- K. pneumoniae
- B. anthracis
- Shigella
- The stain used to demonstrate fungus
- Albert
- Nigerosin
- Lactophenol cotton blue ✔
- None of these
- Exotoxina are
- Heat labile ✔
- Heat stable
- Part of cell wall
- Polymerized complexes
- The viruses that attack bacteria are
- Bacterial viruses
- Bacterial pathogens
- Bacteriophages ✔
- Various
- The size of virus particle may range
- 0.02–0.2 ìm
- 0.5–10 ìm
- 0.015–0.2 ìm ✔
- 0.1–100 ìm
- The bacterial cell multiplication is usually by
- Mitosis
- Meiosis
- Conjugation
- ]Binary-fission ✔
- Rod shaped bacteria are known as
- Cocci
- Comma forms
- Bacilli ✔
- Plemorphic froms
- ll the groups of bacteria have cell wall
- Mycobacteria
- Mycoplasmas ✔
- Clostridia
- Rickettsia
- Thickness of cell wall ranges from
- 9-10 nm
- 12-13 nm
- 10-25 nm ✔
- 30-40 nm
- Teichoic acids and Teichuronic acids are found in
- Gram positive bacteria ✔
- Gram negative bacteria
- Fungi
- None of these
- Meosomes are
- Kind of ribosomes
- Formed during cell lysis
- A part of cell wall
- Principal sites of respiratory enzymes ✔
- The characteristic shape of the bacteria is maintained because of
- Capsule
- Cell wall ✔
- Cell membrane
- Slime layer
- Bacterial capsule is chemically composed of
- Polypeptide
- Polynucleotides
- Polysaccharides
- Polypeptides or polysaccharides ✔
- The cell wall deficient form of bacteria is
- Mycoplasma
- ‘L’ form ✔
- Protoplast
- Spheroplast
- Mesosomes are also known as
- Mitochondria
- Chloroplasts
- Golgi complex
- Chondroids ✔
- The differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria is shown to reside in the
- Cell wall ✔
- Nucleus
- Cell membrane
- Mesosomes
- Capsule formation occurs in the presence of
- Albumin
- Charcoal
- Serum ✔
- Starch
- The virulence determining antigens of microorganisms may be
- Proteins and polysaccharides
- Carbohydrate – protein complexes
- Polysaccharide – Phospholipid – Protein complexes
- All of these ✔
- Organelles with hydrolytic enzymes are
- Mitochondria
- Golgi complex
- Lysosomes ✔
- Ribosomes
- Bacterial locomotion is accomplished by
- Fimbria
- Flagella
- Cytoskeleton
- Both a and b ✔
- Fimbriae are demonstrated by
- Culture
- Gram stain
- Biochemical reactions
- Haemaggulation test ✔
- The motile bacteria is
- Salmonella typhi ✔
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Bacillus anthracis
- Shigella flexneri
- Following cocci are non-motile except
- Staphylococcus
- Meningococcus
- Gonococcus
- Rhodococcus agilis ✔
- Metachromatic granules are chemically composed of
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Polymetaphosphates ✔
- Polysaccharide
- Metachromatic granules can be stained with
- Saffranine
- Methylene blue ✔
- Crystal violet
- Pienic acie
- Bacteria multiply by
- Spore formation
- Simple binary fission
- Conjugation
- Gametes ✔
- Bacterial spores are
- Weakly acid fast ✔
- Strongly acid fast
- Alcohol fast
- Non acid fast
- Endospores can be stained with
- Safranine
- Crystal violet
- Methylene blue
- Malachite green ✔
- The following bacteria produce pigment, except
- Pseudomonas pyocyaneus
- Serratia marcescens
- D. pneumoniae ✔
- Staphylococcus aureus
- The order of stains in Gram-staining procedure is
- Crystal violet, Iodine solution, Alcohol, Saffranine ✔
- Iodine solution, Crystal Violet, Saffranine, Alcohol
- Alcohol, Crystal Violet, Iodine solution, Saffranine
- All of these
- The percentage of alcohol used in Gramstaining is
- 75%
- 90% ✔
- 60%
- 25%
- Gram positive bacteria appear as
- Pink
- Violet ✔
- both a & b
- None of these
- Gram negative bacteria appear as
- Pink ✔
- Violet
- both a & b
- None of these
- The action of alcohol during Gramstaining is
- Allows the color
- It adds color
- Decolorises the cells ✔
- None of these
- Lipid contents is more in
- Gram negative bacteria ✔
- Gram positive bacteria
- Same in both
- None of these
- Cell-wall is
- Thick in Gram positive than Gram negative ✔
- Thick in Gram negative than Gram positive
- Equal in both
- In Gram negative cell-wall is absent
- The Lipid content present in Gram positive bacterial cell-wall is
- 1-10 %
- 1-5 % ✔
- 2-8 %
- None of these
- Rickettsiae stained by this technique responds as
- Gram positive
- Gram negative ✔
- Between positive and negative
- None of these
- Chlamydiae occur in
- Elementary bodies
- Reticulate bodies
- Complex structures
- a and b ✔
- Chlamydiae can be stained better with
- Ziehl neelsen staining
- Castaneda & Machiavello stains
- Giminez stains
- Both b and c ✔
- Algae means
- Fresh water organisms
- Sea weeds ✔
- Fresh water weeds
- None of these
- The study of algae is known as
- Algalogy
- Phycology ✔
- Mycology
- Bacteriology
- The free floating algae are known as
- Phytoplankins ✔
- Benthons
- Sea weeds
- None of these
- Sexual reproduction of algae is carried by
- Isogamy
- Anisogamy
- Oogamy
- All the above ✔
The questions are typically designed to assess the technical skills and knowledge required for the laboratory profession, including the ability to analyze laboratory test results, perform laboratory procedures, and maintain laboratory equipment.
To prepare for these MCQs, candidates should have a thorough understanding of the key concepts and principles of laboratory science. They should also be familiar with common laboratory equipment and procedures, as well as laboratory safety protocols.
Candidates may also benefit from studying specific laboratory science textbooks or taking online courses that cover the material tested in the MCQs. Additionally, practicing sample MCQs and reviewing the answers can help candidates identify areas where they may need to improve their knowledge or skills.
Overall, the MCQs for lab technologists are designed to be challenging and comprehensive, requiring candidates to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the field of laboratory science.
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